Create Magic by Tom Elderfield

AED 95.24

Ever wanted to create your own magic trick?

CREATE MAGIC is an activity book that makes you come up with the impossible.

For the first time in magic you'll be creating as you read.

Who is Tom Elderfield?

If you've seen magic on TV or social media in the last 5 years, you've almost definitely seen Tom Elderfield's influence. His client list is a who's who of TV magic, top brands, and social media giants.

His magic industry releases are celebrated as visual miracles and twice, in our own experience, he's created Ellusionist best-sellers and allowed other artists to carry them over the finish line.

Case and point, Tom creates more magic than he can pursue himself.

But How Does He Do It?

This book isn't about what Tom is... It's about what Tom does, and how YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

In this book you will:

  • Learn Tom's secret chameleon technique for creating magic.
  • Discover the power of failing to create new methods.
  • Uncover original ideas with the power of 'switching'.
  • Flip the script and explore Tom's simpler, method first approach.
  • Create magic from nothing using elaborate Venn Diagrams.
  • Find out exactly how Tom solves problems to create new effects while consulting... and how you can too.


Full-color print, inside & out.
Over 130 pages.
Measures 148cm x 210cm (A5)

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