Pro Grade Close Up Matts / Pads by Pattrick Przysiecki

AED 55.24

Only 1 piece in stock!

Pattrick is my Mat Man!

I have ten custom mats in all shapes, colors and sizes from 10 by 12 inches to 24 to 48 inches to custom designed mats with logos and photos.

I only use Pattrick Przysiecki mats as they are the best!

Richard Turner

The Plush material is actually a piece of high quality upholstery velvet layered over a 3/16 inch thick foam cushion, and our 1/8 inch thick rubber. It is classy and rich looking. The PLUSH material is a pile type finish which each strand is a single unit. It has a deeper color and cannot catch on any edges. This is very good for coin, shell game, cups, and of course card work. This material is awesome looking at your more formal magic shows. This material is awesome for those of you who use the card stab.


Table Hopper - 17.8 cm / 33 cm or 7" / 13"
Worker - 29.3 cm / 40.6 cm or 11.5" / 16"
Pro 1 - 35.6 cm / 43.2 cm or 14" / 17"



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